Monday 28 January 2013

Pay Per Click Advertising ? Tips for Newbies | PrimeView

Pay per click is a form of online advertising that you, the advertiser, only pay for when someone clicks on your ad. You start by opening an account with the search engine you want to appear on, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and other advertising providers in the internet. Ads appear on the search engine results page (SERP). This is a relatively new development in the world of marketing that has taken shape because of a need for businesses to be able to advertise their products and services strategically in a seemingly wide internet landscape.

So as a PPC newbie, below are some tips to get the best result of your PPC campaigns:

1. Maximize Quality Score
It?s best to launch your PPC campaign with many ad groups, ideally with 5 to 15 keywords per ad group. Upon writing and ad copy include or insert a keyword as possible while still getting your message across. This helps you to get a good Quality Scores, which is important to the success of your campaign.

2. Bid on your Brand Terms
Don?t spend money bidding on your brand name, because chances are you already rank number one for your brand organically.

3. A/B Ad Testing
This is the most useful features of PPC advertising; the ability to test ad copy messaging and see what resonates best with your audience or gets the most conversions.

4. Track Conversions
It?s a simple script that needs to be embedded on the thank you page or other page that indicates a visitor taken a desired action. It?s important to track conversions because it gives you an insight into how the performance of your ads relates directly to the business.

5. Management
Pay per click advertising is something that should be very hands on. If you?re not managing it on a constant basis you?ll be losing out on opportunities to improve, capitalize on successes, and increase the chance of spending money on fruitless campaigns.

Pay per click advertising can be very effective depending on the way you perform the process. We at PrimeView have a dedicated PPC team that will safeguard you against common PPC mistakes; provide their experienced insight and much more. Our company has created various PPC packages at different price points so you can choose the one that best fits your company?s needs and maximize the effect of your PPC campaign.


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