Friday 10 February 2012

Heart Disease May Be Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer |

THURSDAY, Feb. 9 (HealthDay News) ? Heart disease m?? b? a risk thing f?r prostate cancer, a n?w study suggests.

If th?? link ?? confirmed ?n future research, ?t means th?t lifestyle changes th?t lower heart disease risk ? such ?? weight loss, implementation ?n? a healthy diet ? m?? ???? protect men hostile t? prostate cancer, th? Duke Cancer Institute researchers ????.

?Wh?t?s ???????nt f?r th? heart m?? b? ???????nt f?r th? prostate,? study author Dr. Jean-Alfred Thomas II, a postdoctoral fellow ?n th? division ?f urology, ???? ?n a Duke Medicine news release.

H? ?n? h?? colleagues analyzed data fr?m 6,390 men ?n a four-year clinical trial testing a drug?s effectiveness ?n reducing prostate cancer risk. Of persons men, 547 reported a history ?f coronary artery disease before th? ?t?rt ?f th? trial.

Th? Duke researchers found th?t men w?th coronary artery disease h?? a 35 percent greater risk ?f developing prostate cancer over time ?n? a 24 percent greater risk ?f being diagnosed w?th prostate cancer within th? initially two years ?f th? study compared t? men wh? ??? n?t h??? heart disease.

Four years ?nt? th? clinical trial, men w?th coronary artery disease h?? a 74 percent higher risk ?f prostate cancer th?n persons w?th n? heart disease.

?W? controlled f?r a number ?f risk factors, including hypertension, taking statins ?r aspirin,? Thomas ????. ?W? don?t h??? a ???????nt grasp ?n wh?t?s causing th? link, b?t w? ?r? observing th?? association.?

Th? study appears online th?? month ?n th? journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Coronary artery disease ?? th? leading cause ?f death ?m?n? adults ?n th? United States, ?n? prostate cancer ?? th? second m??t deadly type ?f cancer f?r men ?n th? United States, th? release prominent.

More information

Th? U.S. National Cancer Institute h?? more ?b??t prostate cancer risk.

SOURCE: Duke Medicine, news release, Feb. 8, 2012


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