Tuesday 25 October 2011

Nevada GOP moves caucus back to February 4th, 2012

rnc-logoAfter all the?posturing?by states to hold their primaries and caucus early so that it can benefit Mitt Romney, Nevada has decided move its caucus date back to February 4th, from January 17th, 2012. If Nevada would have left their January caucus date, they would have lost delegates as a ?penalty? for violating GOP rules.

Some of the lower tiered GOP candidates like Michele ?Bachmann and Jon Huntsman had threatened to boycott the GOP caucus altogether because of Nevada shifting it?s date to early January. Cry baby Huntsman even ?boycotted? the last debate in Las Vegas because of it. Now, according to CNN, New Hampshire is happy.

?Nevada?s decision to reschedule to February 4 will now allow Secretary of State Bill Gardner to schedule our primary at a more appropriate time than would?ve been allowed with Nevada?s earlier date,? said New Hampshire Republican Committee Chairman Wayne MacDonald in a statement. ?The New Hampshire Primary is important not just as a long standing tradition, but as an opportunity for lesser-funded or lesser-known candidates to have the opportunity to be heard.?

The senile old codger Harry Reid couldn?t be reached for comment.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FireAndreaMitchell/~3/EBK1SftRdOQ/

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