Sunday 18 November 2012

Having Gratitude = Being Happy

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iStock_000020324436XSmallYesterday, I happen to watch a documentary called Happy. It was a film that interviewed regular people around the world and several psychologists who unlike most, study happiness instead of depression. Something interesting that I learned was that our financial circumstances and position in society only account for about 10% of our happiness. 10%? Yes, and yet we are conditioned to think that having more money, fancier houses and expensive cars are the primary solutions to increase our happiness.

According to the experts that were interviewed, 50% of happiness is your genetic disposition, but the other 40% is based on your intention or choice. When you have gratitude for the little things in life, the big things just seem better. One man in India who walks as a rickshaw cab driver commented that he didn?t mind getting wet in the monsoons because as he was grateful to have passengers to run and pull in his cab and remarked that his wet clothes would dry quickly from the wind blowing across his body as he was running. Now would you think about getting soaked in the rain with this mindset? Or would you be irritated and more upset that your hairstyle or clothes were ruined that day?

Having gratitude instead of an attitude goes a long way in all situations. It metaphysically changes how you perceive your circumstances and how you set your intentions. ?Choosing to be grateful allows you to experience happiness. It opens you up to receive more blessings moving forward as well.

Here in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving every November. It?s supposed to be a day to reflect on the year?s blessings and to enjoy time with family. Sadly, many people get so stressed out over cooking a perfect meal that they forget to enjoy why they are doing it. This year, I urge you to be grateful to have the opportunity shower your meal and your guests with your love, your joy and your best intentions.

Let?s not stop with just Thanksgiving Day. Begin to consciously live with thankfulness and gratitude each day and you?ll be amazed at just how happy you will start to feel everyday.

Traci Vincent

Tags: consciousness, Gratitude, happiness, mindfulness, positive mental attitude


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