Thursday 15 March 2012


Premium Domain Names Stand The Test Of Time!

Month after month, and year after year, the search engine rules,
algorithms, and players, continue to change,
while online competition continues to grow.

This is placing tremendous importance on companies OWNING their ?generic descriptive domains? (especially in the .COM extension) for their products e.g., and/or services e.g.
Hence, the reason domain names continue to increase in value.

Exact match domain names are also familiar, making them much easier for users to recall, and can offer some search results boost.

YET, even more ?importantly,?as we look to the future, and the number of

Internet Domain Names

Purchasing Premium Domain Names

websites increase and become more refined, Internet users can easily locate sites and information targeted to their needs by simply typing their search phrase into their address bar and adding (.com).
Referred to as direct navigation, Internet users can go directly to the source of their inquiry, finding exactly what they are looking for, e.g.,, or

Key to a websites continued success and future
is that ?Direct Navigation? does not have to rely on the
ever-changing search engine rules and players

Wanting information quickly, and dissatisfied with inquiry results that display links to ?mega sites? that contain one article of information on nearly every subject under the sun?, internet users will accurately target the people, products, and places they seek directly.


To help you make an informed domain name decision, we?ve included several free resources including a guide on How To Choose A Domain Name, videos on the topic of Buying Domain Names, and links to additional information.

Current website owners are buying additional generic domain names to
build ?sister? sites, and increase internet traffic

Internet Goal #1 :Increase Internet Traffic!

Premium Domain Names hold the key to success!

Achieving Success On The Internet With Great Domain Names

Savvy marketers and website owners are building ?sister? sites to extend their companies reach. These professionals understand that targeted, generic (.com) domain names are an effective brand
positioning strategy for their industry.

These premium names strengthen their leadership position, and
differentiate their business and website in a crowded market.

They understand the intuitive and enduring value of these names (and) that once a premium domain is registered to them, it is theirs, and only theirs.

You can purchase existing domain names as mentioned, or opt for registering domain names that may still be available. Either way, you are wise to take into consideration the many factors that make a great domain name.

Savvy marketers and website owners understand that targeted,
generic (.com) domain names are an effective brand positioning
strategy for their industry.

Some of the factors one may consider when purchasing a domain name are:
Is it a generic term Internet users are looking for each day, e.g., ?home office furniture?? Does it have the (.com) extension? How does it sound, is it easy to spell correctly, or does it contain numbers and/or hyphens? There are many factors that set great domain names apart from the pack.

Why Are Domain Names Being Dropped?

Each day individuals and business alike, purchase existing (previously registered) domain names like those found at And conversely, every day thousands of ?other? domain names are being dropped.

Why? Primarily, because those dropped domain names were neither a solid ?common search term? e.g., nor ?catchy? enough to be ?brand-able,? e.g.

Some are dropped due to misspellings, occasionally some simply forget to renew their names, but the great majority are dropped because they are not the caliber domain name one needs to be taken seriously in the online marketplace.

For example: does not read well, would consistently be spelled wrong, is difficult to convey, and for the most part goes against all sound domain nomenclature. Yet, names like these are being registered by unknowing individuals and businesses each day.
Typically, they are eventually dropped.

The Benefit of Premium Names to our Customers,
their Websites, and their Businesses

  1. These domain names are easily memorable.
  2. Most are derived from targeted, generic phrases that people and companies search for each and every day.
  3. They have the benefit of receiving direct type-in traffic.
  4. When presented with a long list of search results, people see instantly that the name of your website is completely relevant to their search request.
  5. They follow the domain name best practices for domain selection.

Combined with good content and a solid marketing program, great domain names like
?Professional Grade, or ?Mt Bachelor,? can put your website and your business on top!

You may have heard that sold last year for over $5 Million. Or Party, recently sold this year for $360,000. While these domain name sales were exceptional?, premium names are valued higher, and will continue to appreciate.

Starting With A Great Name
is the first step towards positioning your website closer to success!

The Internet continues to become more competitive, yet, when implemented properly, the opportunities online are outstanding!!!

To find an excellent selection of domain names, browse the Premium Domain Categories listed in the right sidebar ?>

> How To Choose A Domain Name

> Buying Domains FAQ

> Registering Domain Names

Our domain specialists have years of experience and offer assistance in locating domain names for our customers.

If you would like us to do the work of finding the ideal domain names for your current, or up and coming website, please feel free to contact us with your request, or with any questions you may have.


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